First Time Here? Welcome!

Thank you for checking out our website. We hope that you are able to gain a taste for what a typical day of worship is like at Christ Our Savior. However, we are not able to give you the full experience on this website. Please join us on Sunday mornings to be a part of the reason we exist: to worship together, to be edified by God's Word together, and to proclaim the Gospel together. Please fill out our contact form so we can better serve you.

Worship & Bible Study:

Our building is conveniently located on Nashville Highway close to the border of Columbia and Spring Hill. We have plenty of seating, and the space is accessible to everyone. So if you have any special needs - don't worry! We have you covered.

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Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church

2494 Nashville Hwy

Columbia, TN 38401

Get Directions

Worship Times:

Sunday Mornings - 8:30am & 11:00am

Thursday Evenings - 7pm

Bible Studies:

Adult Bible Study and Sunday School (all ages!) - Sundays @ 9:45am

Youth Confirmation Class (September-April) - Sundays @ 6pm

Men's and Women's Bible Studies (September-April) - Sundays @ 6pm

Women's Bible Study (September-April) - 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month @ 10am

Bible 101 Class

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Most services last for about an hour. All ages are welcome! Some have said they don't want to interrupt others' worship experience by bringing their noisy children. We say bring them with! We have all ages attending our Sunday morning services, and we encourage families to worship together. However, if you do bring young children and start to feel uncomfortable, you are more than welcome to make use of our staffed "cry room" so you can worship Christ, our Savior, more comfortably.

A Typical Service

Our service at Christ Our Savior has one key focus: Christ, our Savior. We focus our hearts and worship on the truth that God comes to us with the message of the Gospel - the good news about life our Savior lived for us and the death he died for us. That message saves us and changes us. Our worship service keeps our attention on the Gospel through readings and songs full of rich content and meaning.

Each service lasts about one hour. The typical service that you can expect to experience on a Sunday has a pattern to help you follow:

  1. Greeting: The pastor greets everyone and introduces the theme of the day.
  2. Opening Song: We open by singing a hymn or song which focuses us on the theme of the day and sets the tone for the whole service. The entire service, including hymns and songs, is printed for you in the worship folders to help you follow along.
  3. Invocation: The pastor reminds everyone gathered of their baptism in the name of the Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  4. Confession & Absolution of Sins: It may seem like a strange practice to confess publicly our sins. But this confession reminds us every week that we cannot approach God by ourselves. We also cannot appreciate Christ, our Savior, and his work if we don't see our need for him. And so we confess our sins and hear the proclamation of God's forgiveness to us. With our sins forgiven and our relationship with God restored, we can joyfully stand before God and worship him.
  5. Scripture Readings: Reading God's Word is one of the most essential parts of the service. We typically include three readings - one from the Old Testament, one from the Epistles in the New Testament, and one from the Gospels. These Scripture readings remind us that everything we base our faith on is founded in the very Word of God.
  6. Choral Anthems & Other Music: Spread throughout the Scripture readings and confession will be songs and hymns glorifying our God in heaven. These songs typically include a Psalm of the Day, which again points us back to God's Word. The congregation is often invited to sing these hymns and participate in praising our Savior.
  7. Sermon: This message by the pastor is based on one of the Scripture readings. Our pastors spend a portion of their week studying this reading in its original language (Hebrew in the Old Testament and Greek in the New Testament) in order to craft a message that not only helps explain the meaning of the text, but also gives us a relevant application to our lives as Christians.
  8. The Apostles' Creed: These words summarize many of the key teachings that God himself gives us. They also unite the members of Christ Our Savior with believers throughout the world and throughout history.
  9. Offering: After hearing and being motivated by the good news of their Savior, the members of Christ Our Savior gather a thank offering. We give from the gifts God has given us so that others might hear the same life-changing and life-saving message. We do not expect our visitors to participate. In fact, we encourage that they not contribute until they understand what our purpose and mission is.
  10. Prayer: The Bible teaches us to pray for all kinds of people in all sorts of situations. Here we boldly and confidently bring forth our requests, thanksgiving, and special prayers.
  11. Lord's Prayer: This simple yet profound prayer Jesus himself taught his disciples in Matthew 6 is included in every service.
  12. Blessing: This is the oldest part of the service. The Aaronic blessing has been said in worship for over 3,500 years. Throughout history God has wanted his people to depart with confidence that he is with them as he gives his blessing, grace, favor, and peace. This is the best encouragement and strength to offer Christians as they live their lives for him during the upcoming week.

Worship Previews

These videos offer a weekly preview of what you can expect to hear each Sunday at Christ Our Savior. Join us!