We have in-person Bible Studies on Sunday mornings @ 9:45 AM with classes for all ages. Recordings of past adult Bible Studies are available below.
Bible Studies
Bible Studies
We have in-person Bible Studies on Sunday mornings @ 9:45 AM with classes for all ages. Recordings of past adult Bible Studies are available below.
Current Adult Bible Study Series
What is worship? Why do we worship the way we do? What is the meaning behind everything in our church? How can I get more out of a Sunday morning worship service? These are all good questions. There are many more questions we can ask about the way we "do church." Join us in the sanctuary during the Sunday morning Bible study hour at 9:45 for a 5-week series where we will seek to discover answers to these questions and apply them not only to Sunday morning worship, but our entire lives of worship. You can watch previous lessons on our YouTube channel.
Past Adult Bible Studies
Join us by watching the videos below to grow in your understanding of God and his Word.
Teen Bible Study
Please join us in the Teen Room on Sundays @ 9:45 AM for in-person Bible Study.
Current Bible Study - Cleansed & Fed: The Sacramental Life
Join us this Sunday as we spend time discussing what God says about Baptism and The Lord's Supper and the blessing they are to us each day of our lives.