Bible Studies

We have in-person Bible Studies on Sunday mornings @ 9:45 AM with classes for all ages. Recordings of past adult Bible Studies are available below.

Sunday Morning Bible Study

Current Adult Bible Study Series

"In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit." The Old Testament book of Judges sketches a history of God's people between Moses/Joshua and the first king of Israel. The sketches show how covenant faithfulness and national unity broke down. Even the judges/leaders themselves are portrayed as anything but perfect. Yet, these sketches also show how the Lord remained faithful in the midst of Israel's unfaithfulness. The Christian is able to find many applications to our world, present culture, church life, and individual lives of faith. We will draw on themes of faithfulness and unfaithfulness, rest, apostasy, oppression, and deliverance. Join us on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary during the Bible Study hour to marvel at "God's Unfathomable Faithfulness" in the book of Judges.

Past Adult Bible Studies

Join us by watching the videos below to grow in your understanding of God and his Word.


Teen Bible Study

Please join us in the Teen Room on Sundays @ 9:45 AM for in-person Bible Study.

Current Bible Study - My Son, My Savior

Join us this Sunday as we spend time during this advent season to look at the miracle of Jesus coming to this earth to save us from sin.